Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 2 week 2

Today was a slightly disappointing day but having said that I did have my moments of triumph too. Breakfast was a banana and oatmeal(instant)  and lunch was within the calorific requirements too. I snacked well and I had 64 oz of water today! I couldn't go to the gym but I walked 2 miles at medium pace. The disappointing part was after 7 pm in the evening. My last meal was before 3 pm and I had a prior appointment to be somewhere in the evening and missed my evening snack. We picked up a "kathi roll(tandoori chicken) 4 oz on my way home as it was already close to 8 and no time to cook dinner. I had picked up the smallest item on the menu thinking I could still minimise the damage. I had over 600 calories left on my chart after walking and I couldn't wait to eat!I was ravenous. I reached home and had a cup of tea( bad idea no 1!) then felt like eating something crunchy and against my better judgement had 1 oz of chips with 1 slice of american single melted on it!(terrible idea no 2 ) . Around 9 I finally had the roll and rounded it up with a dessert of 4 ladyfingers soaked in milk!(bad idea no 3) 
 I knew I had a little too much junk but consoled myself saying that I had walked 2 miles and I might just meet the requirements. The shock came in when I saw the nutrition value of the roll! It was 480 cal! That tiny thing! The chips and cheese were another 225 cal, the tea 30 and the lady fingers around 120. I ended my day feeling heavy hearted at how I blew the entire day in just a couple of hours. My final count was 1560 cal. However, I did have 64 oz of water for which I am proud of myself. I also managed to keep most of the day under control. I was also proud of utilizing my breaks to walk around since I knew I wouldn't be able to make it to the gym today. All in all a mixed day. Sigh! tomorrow will be better. I did not weigh myself today. 
  My food today! 
7 am - 1 glass warm water
7:30 am - 1 Banana 
8:40 am - instant oatmeal 
9:40 am - 2 glasses of water 
10:40 am - kashi soft chewable snack bar
11 am - 2 glasses of water
12:15 pm - lunch ( 1/2 tortilla, 1/4 cup mushroom curry, 1/2 cup low fat sarson ka sag) 
2:30 pm - kashi soft chewable snack bar. 
3:30 pm -2 glasses of water
4:30 pm - 1 glass of water 
7 :45 pm - 1/2 cup tea 
8 pm - 1 oz lays with 1 american single 
9 am - 1 chicken katti roll(4 oz) with dessert as 4 lady fingers soaked in milk 


  • Bad habits don't change overnight. Do not give up because you had a bad hour or day. :)
  • Instant oatmeal is often argued to be less beneficial than rolled oats. Please refer to this link for more information. It is whole grain and healthy breakfast. Whn you pick up instant oatmeal from the super market, make sure you check the sugar it has. I pick the one with the least amount of sugar. 
  • Make it a habit to drink water. You don't want to be dehydrated. 
Well, I hope all of you who had a bad day like me feel better after you read this. You know having a bad day is normal right ;) Have a wonderful day tomorrow and remember to smile at yourself! 

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