Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 2 starts...

Week 2 started today. Yesterday again I had been shopping and this time I was looking for more variety in the veggies. I picked up mustard greens(, sweet potato, fruits again(apple, banana) , kashi chewy apple cobbler bars(more fiber) , multigrain bread, spinach, potatoes, low fat turkey sausages and mozarella cheese.  Morning started with a warm glass of water. Since today was a day off for me I woke up at 10 am. It was too late for me to have the fruit and then breakfast so skipped to the breakfast part. I had a hearty breakfast comprising of eggs, veggies and turkey(a low fat deconstructed frittata). I will be posting the recipe for it. The amazing part is the breakfast- so hearty and filling for a big girl like me- was only 135 calories! I had a cup of Indian chai with it- complete with 1 tbspn of sugar. My snacks today were the Kashi bar and a fruit. My lunch was low fat "sarson ka saag" (made with only 1 tbsp oil!) - cooked mustard greens with half a tortilla. (a mean 200 calories) I even made desert with cottage cheese which was just 80 calories! Bad part about days off is you can miss your time table! I missed having my fruit helpings( I did have strawberry) and had only one glass of water :( Sigh.... I will work on it! 

Cottage cheese is much more healthier to have than yogurt. It is high in protein and calcium.  Cottage cheese is often thought of as dieter's food 'cos of the above factors and because it is low in fat an calories! It is also a very good source of Vit D . It is composed of casein which helps slow digestion and absorbtion. It can ease any stomach distress that you might be having. Below are the nutritional information for cottage cheese(1/2 cup)( this is not indian cottage cheese aka paneer) :
  • 80 cal
  • 1 g fat
  • 0.5 g sat fat
  • 380 mg sodium
  • 10 mg cholesterol
  • 4g carbohydrates.
  • 3g sugar
  • 12 g  protein
  • 10% daily value of calcium. 

My diet today: 
10 :00 am - A warm glass of water 
10:30 am -  1/2 Mushrooms, Spinach, Onions , turkey and one egg white frittata 
11:am - 1/2 cup tea with 1 spoon of sugar. 
1:pm-  1 oz lays chips 
2:30 - low fat sarson ka sag, 1/2 missionary spinach and garden herb tortilla, desert of low fat cottage cheese with 5 driscoll's organic strawberries with 1/2 tsp sugar. 
4:00 - 1/2 cup tea with 1 Kashi soft chewable apple cobbler
6:00 1/2 cup tea with 1 tsp sugar 
8:00 pm - 1 indian peda with 4 almonds and 1/2 a vadai 
9:30 pm -  half fritatta from the morning, 4 lady fingers(desert) soaked in milk
11:00 pm -  8 oz 2% milk. 

My total calorie count for today was 1361. I had no exercise today but did walk for 10 minutes. 
 Recipe for Fritatta. 
5-6 mushrooms(any kind) 
8-10 baby spinach leaves
1/4 onion(big)(finely chopped)
3 chillis
1 egg white
1 low fat turkey sausage(cooked)  (chopped into small pieces)
1/2 -1 tsp oil.
Salt and pepper as per taste

Heat the oil and saute the onions till brown. Add chillis to it and then add mushrooms. Once mushrooms are cooked add spinach. After a minute when spinach wilts add cooked turkey sausage pieces. Add salt and if needed pepper to it. I also added rosemary but that is optional. Now add the egg white and in a min or two switch off your heat. Tada, a very filling low cal and low fat breakfast is ready! It keeps you full for atleast 2 hours! Enjoy :)

  • Don't be afraid to try new things.
  • Substitute butter with oil for your food and start getting used to it. 
  • Veggies can be hidden well in delicious egg or meat prepartions. Look up online for recipes, you'll find lots of them! 
  • Try cottage cheese- it is healthy and yummy! 

Weight loss update- I have now lost 1 pound... 

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